Two of the New Orleans Saints’ most vocal veteran leaders supported other players around the league for using their "platform" to shed light on inequality in America, though it's unclear if any Saints players will join in with the recent national anthem protests around the league.

Saints safety Kenny Vaccaro is one who might consider joining the likes of Colin Mark Ingram Jerseys Kaepernick, Marshawn Lynch and Michael Bennett in sitting or kneeling during the national anthem. Michael Thomas Jerseys Vaccaro has increasingly voiced his support for their cause on social media, saying this summer that he understands even more why Kaepernick felt the need to "wake people up" and that he appreciates where he is coming from as someone of mixed race.

"We need to use our platform to help our situation, not be quiet. Willie Snead Jerseys C'mon bro, it's bigger than football," Vaccaro wrote Monday.

However, outspoken players like Vaccaro and running back Mark Ingram also chose not to separate themselves from the rest of their teammates with individual displays last year -- which was partly why the team opted to come up with a powerful display Brandin Cooks Jerseys of unity with their rival Atlanta Falcons on ESPN’s "Monday Night Football" during Week 3 of last season. The teams joined hands in a circle on the middle of the field following the anthem in that game. Saints veteran offensive tackle and union representative Zach Strief said the team has not discussed whether any players might consider any form of anthem protests or displays of unity this summer. Strief said the anthem is not the forum he would use, but he strongly supports the message of players who are pushing for equality and praised them for using their platform to do so.

"I think the reality is we have a platform. And guys using the platform I think is good. Drew Brees Jerseys That's part of what makes this country great is the ability to use your situation for good," Strief said. "And guys have different feelings on what is good and what is bad and there's always gonna be disagreements in that. And again, that's what's great about America is you can have that disagreement.

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